Friday, August 12, 2005

Disease And Aging

As you can see, I wrote this post quite awhile ago. I make small edit changes every once in awhile to keep this post at the top. I don't want it to be archived because it is too imprtant, and I want everyone to get a chance to read it.

I'm going to have you read something that is from one of my favorite sites, Dr. Lam offers an intelligent look into what causes aging and how we can prevent it. What is written next might scare you, it did me.

Would you take the steps needed to naturally slow the proccess if you could?

Here is an excerpt on free radical damage and the role it plays in disease and aging:

By age 35, a good portion of our cellular protein has been damaged by oxidative stress (free radical damage) of pollution, stress, and poor food habits.
Significant mutational changes are already well entrenched that eventually may leads to cancer and other degenerative diseases. Symptoms such as glucose intolerance, hypertension, and digestive function imbalance begins to surface as the body starts to de-compensate. These symptoms reflect a body that is in the transitional phase of aging that will last 10 years from age 35 to 45 . Often the laboratory values are "borderline". In reality, the body is entering the transitional phase of the aging process that will last 10 years. Some people will have outward signs and symptoms of age related diseases, while other do not.

By age 45, most people have a variety of outward symptoms commonly accepted as the natural consequence of the aging progress, such as memory loss, decreased energy, hair loss, wrinkles. Laboratory values are now "abnormal", It is not uncommon that clinically active degenerative disease such as heart attack, diabetes, and cancer surface by this time. The body is now entering the clinical phase of aging. A proactive approach must be taken, although it may be late.

By age 55, very few can escape a body free from cancer, artherosclerosis, diabetes, or a combination of the above that account for 80 percent of age related degenerative diseases. Most people are on some form of drugs for symptomatic treatment of degenerative disease like osteoarthritis, Parkinson's Disease, and Diabetes. Many are shocked why there had been little to no "warning" signs, and a desperate attempt is now made to launch a salvage operation designed to rescue the body from a lifetime of damage.

That being said, I'm always looking out for more ways to prevent aging. I have learned alot from trial and error, and I will share the results with you so that you don't have to waste your time and money on things that don't work.

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